Wildlife photography outtakes
Birds are weird. And they don't always pose nicely! When seeking that perfectly posed wildlife photo, I do end up with a lot of outtakes, some of which are hilarious. Or peculiar, or cute, or curious - you get the picture. So to round out 2022, I thought you might enjoy some of the outtakes. If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you might already have seen some of these, but there are some new funnies too. Which one is your favourite?
Upside down and back to front - this fantail's head is on wrong
Who ate all the pies? (Tiny fantail eats giant blowfly)
Misassembled takahē has at least two screws left over
Muuuuuuuummm!!!!! (kākā)
What are you doing today? Oh, just hanging around... (kākā)
Speak to the foot, 'cos the face ain't listening (kākā)
So how YOU doin'? (kākā nestling)
Are you sure that's the right setting? (tūī)
Trying hard to not look suspicious! (kākā)
The bliss of a kiss (kākā)
Look at those skinny legs! (tūī)
Wot you lookin' at!? (tauhou)